For the last 8.5 years my husband has been encouraging me to pursue a business utilizing my creative talents. While sitting in traffic on my way home from my 8-5, and deciding that well, I'm kind of tired of traffic (read: REALLY REALLY tired of traffic) I determined that I was going to throw my hat into the ring so to speak.
My creative talents have evolved over the years and expanded into some really fun stuff like sock rose bouquets. I started my journey with scrapbooking I decided though that I would rather have the "pages" on display so I put them into picture frames. Recently I put together a wedding frame that is 24" x 36", it hangs above my sofa.
Three years ago when my sister was pregnant with my nephew I was planning her baby shower and I really wanted to make it something special and unique. I took some simple baby items like diapers, socks, bottles, bibs, etc., and turned them into diaper cakes, sock roses, even diaper animals, which were used as the centerpieces, and doubled as the very unique decorations for the shower.
Over the next few days I will be adding pictures of the different projects that I have made.
Until next time,